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Special Recognition


Barry played and lettered for the Eagles in the fall of '08, '09 and '10 as an offensive guard, tight end and defensive end.  He was relentless on the field and in the weight room... he would sacrifice anything for his teammates and coaches... he played with passion with his heart on his sleeve... and he will always remember the ‘08, ‘09, and ‘10 teams that went back-to-back-to-back in District Championship games because without those teammates and coaches their were no  medals to be won.

​In 2016, Barry graduated Cum Laude from West Chester University where he played all four years as a defensive end and tackle (as a starter for two of those years).  

Currently, Barry is a Public Accountant for Freed Maxick CPAs in Philadelphia.  He is married to his high school sweetheart (Lauren Topash). Their first child “Sawyer” now has a sibling, Thea Harper Lyons, born on July 17th. Congratulations!


Special Recognition


Russ Trimmer
Sam Sanzotto

Joe Carr

Bob Bowers
Harry Chapman, III
Dr. Gordon Myers
1977 Undefeated Team
Calvin Thompson
Bob Schellenberg
Larry Hall
1992 State Champion Team
Dr. Anthony Colistra
50 Years of CV Football
Ken Kramer
Scott Carmody
Robert Wolf
Lois Wolf
Bob “Doc” Miller
Liz Rimpfel

Don Heiges

Carol & Bill Brown

Harold Swidler

Dennis (Denny) L. Wise

Harold (Butch) Bricker

​Bud Shaffner

​Tim Cramer

​Charlie Brown

​Jim Koontz

Barry Lyons

#64 Class of 2011


Anyone may nominate a CV Football Alumni or Coach for consideration for induction into the CV Football Hall of Fame.  All players must have graduated at least five (5) years prior and coaches may no longer be coaching at Cumberland Valley.  CLICK HERE   for a nomination form, pick one up at the CV Athletic Office, or submit your online nomination below.

Jim began his career at Cumberland Valley in October 2000 as the CV Grounds Supervisor and one of his first tasks was to improve Chapman Field. In 2002, Sports Turf Management Association awarded Jim and CV the High School Football Field of the Year.

His dedication to our facilities and to his work, and his commitment to CV helped him to climb the ranks, becoming the Assistant Facilities Director in 2009 and, eventually, our Facilities Director in early 2012.

Jim was responsible for the construction of many facilities at CV including the building of Winding Creek and Mountain View, the upgrades at the 9th grade Academy, the Eagle View stadium and most recently the transformation of Chapman Field at Giant Stadium. When people would complain about getting rid of the grass field at Chapman, Jim's wife Colette would always tell them “If my husband said it was time to make the move to turf….it was time to make the move because nobody loved this field more than him.

The greatest way to honor Jim's life is to remember him for who he was: He's the guy who got things done. He's universally known, universally respected, universally loved. His kindness and compassion for others was well known and he mentored many young men and women during his career.  Jim is CV red and white. 

​Jim passed away on December 11, 2023. He was survived by wife, Colette, sons Ben, Alex and Dawson, stepdaughter Sarah and granddaughter Penny, sister Heather and husband Cory and nephews Seth and Conner. 











Jim Koontz

CVFAA 2024 Special Recognition

Jordan Abner '06

Askari Adams ‘95
Charlie Adams ‘98
Marc Alexander ‘81

Christian Arrington '18

Brett Basehore '04
Ron Beible ‘72
William Beible ‘69
Nick Berra ‘87
Corey Bischof '04
Pat Bowen ‘78

Wyatt Bowman ,04
David Bretz ‘72
Bill Brown ‘69
Matt Brymesser '91
Brian Bullock ‘83

Tim Burke '97
Tom Bushman '92
Mike Cesarano '02
Four Chapman ‘83
Joe Coldren ‘61
John Colarusso ‘83
Tony Colistra ‘89

Andrew Consevage '11
Rod Coy ‘78
Mike Crum ‘78
Don Deckman ‘56

Jeremy DiPietro '12
Sean Dougherty ‘01
Michael Dugas ‘85
Jared Ebersole '01

Jacob Fetterolf '18

Mike Ford '78

Dave Forney ‘56
Mike Frenette ‘09

Kyle Friend '12
Travis Friend '10
Gary Fritz ‘78
Charles Gaetano ‘69
Ron Gaetano ‘64
Mike Gaumer ‘93
Stan Gelbaugh ‘81

Lance Geesey '12
Jeff Gill ‘83

Tyler Guise '08
Cory Gumby ‘93
Bob Hare ‘57
Trevor Harmon '10
Dave Heckard ‘96

Tyler Heisey '14
Bubba Heisler ‘05
Bill Henschke ‘68
Greg Herrold ‘06
Wayne Hertzler ‘77
Mike Hodge ‘88
Mark Hull ‘78
Dan Hurley ‘69

Charlie Katshir '18
Sam Kinback ‘93

Colton Kirkpatrick '11
Scott Klinger ‘60
Kelly Kramer ‘85
Andy Krosnowski ‘81
Ed Lauer ‘60

Joe Lauer '99
Dan Lawlor '04
Kevin Lawlor ‘00
Jerold Lebold ‘85

Matt Lengel '09
Rick Lingle '72

Connor Long '16

Barry Lyons '11
Brad Mangle ‘76
Mike McCarthy ‘00
Brandon McKillip ‘93
John McKissick ‘81

Darrell McMillan '70
Dave Mengle ‘75
Buck Mentzer ‘60

Chad Miller ‘89
Mike Miszerack ‘75
Brandon Morris '09
Andy Moses ‘00
Dave Murphy ‘81
George Myers ‘58
Jesse Neumeyer ‘00
Andy Notarfrancesco ‘96
Chris Notarfrancesco ‘91
Craig Odiorne '96
Chris O’Neill ‘92
Josh Oswalt ‘04
Tommy Page ‘78

Jake Palmer '18
Randy Parsons ‘73
Roy Peffer ‘59
Damon Phelan ‘85
Ray Picking ‘72
Carl Pizzaro '75
Matt Plessinger ‘91
Brian Potteiger ‘93
Frank Potteiger ‘57

Josiah Quigley '17
Jim Rich ‘72
Jon Ritchie ‘93
Bob Roberts ‘58
Dave Rowe ‘78
Jason Rubin '92
Charley Ruth ‘78
Mick Sadler '94
Jeremy Salmon '13
Erik Sauve’ ‘90
James Sauve’ ‘90
Jeff Sauve’ ‘91
Jeremy Sauve’ ‘96
Jon Sauve’ ‘00
Eric Sawyer '11
William Saylor ‘59
Ken Sgrignoli ‘58
John Sharbaugh ‘02
Zach Sheaffer '04
Ralph Shires ‘83
Kevin Snyder '11
​Tim Spinelli '15
Neil Stamy ‘90
Brandon Stanford ‘02
Larry Stanford ‘99
Art Thomas ‘99
Chris Thomas '02
William Thumma ‘58
Tyler Updegraff '14
Jake Wagner ‘62
Dan Walsh ‘00
Dino Webster ‘86
Ron Wentz ‘58
Steve Wiles ‘86
Todd Williams '80
Lance Woodell ‘80
Daniel Zorger ‘97
Ron Audo
John Bates
Harold Bricker
Joe Carr
Harry Chapman III
Joe Correal
Robert Crobak
Jim Fry

Levi Mumma
Gary Quigley
Tim Rimpfel
Samuel Sanzotto
Dave Stewart

Michael Whitehead
Ken Woodhall

Christian played and lettered for the Eagles in the fall of '15, '16 and '17 as a wide receiver and linebacker.  He always dreamed of playing for Cumberland Valley starting in the CVMFA PeeWees.  Christian moved to Oklahoma but upon returning to PA devoted his athletic abilities and leadership to the Eagles.  His honors include team captain, 6A all state linebacker, Big 33 all star game, East/West all star game (team captain), a Division I full scholarship and now induction into the CVFAA Hall of Fame.

​Christian spent roughly five and a half years at the University of Rhode Island where he continued playing football.  In 2022 his football days were finished by a spinal cord injury.  Christian’s football career did not end how he planned, but he graduated with a degree in Communications and one in Sports Media.  He then used his experiences at college to advocate and speak publicly regarding mental health at universities, local schools and at the 2023 National Governer’s Association Conference.  Christian returned home in 2024 to pursue new endeavors in life.

Jake Palmer played and lettered for the Eagles in the fall of ‘15, 16’ and ‘17 as a half back, corner, and kick returner.  He was a competitive leader with class and discipline who always left everything out on the field.  Jake was never afraid of any competition and was a hard hitting team player... and he loved to see his teammates succeed just as much as himself.

​After graduating from CV, Jake parted ways with football in order to focus on the future.  He went to West Chester University and earned a degree in business management and supply chain management.  

After graduating from West Chester, Jake moved to Philadelphia with his high school sweetheart to work for a logistics company.

... current members

To submit a Hall of Fame Nomination online,

fill out the form below and click submit

Honoring the 1974 Team

Class of 1975

Jake Palmer

# 20 Class of 2018

Chrisrtian Arrington

#5 Class of 2018

2024 Hall of Fame Inductees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .